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amfit LIcensing

UMOPC Database Fixer : Download Installer​ 

  • Analyzes database for orphan foot records
  • Analyzes database for missing foot date entries
  • Provides Quick Fix utility that cleans up Customer Record Files
  • Provides Full Fix utility that cleans up Customer and Foot Record Files
  • Provides Insert .abt Files utility that sweeps a Folder's .abt files into database
  • This utility tool is pre-configured for UMOPC's shared DB location
  • Ensure everyone accessing the O:\AMFit Data\ has the Amfit program closed! This will eliminate possible errors that may pop up when running this utility​

Amfit Digitizer USB Drivers : Download Installer ( 32bit | 64bit​ )

  • ​Installs USB drivers for Contact Digitizers model 2060, 2070, 2080 & 2090

Australia Fillable Blanks Order Form : Download​ 

​​​Current AMfit software RELEASE

Version 3.0 : Download Installer 

  • ​Enables end users to check status on Fabrication orders from Amfit facility
  • Logon key is required for full access. Please contact tech support before you download this program.
  • Installer Digitally signed

​Version 7.3.2 : Download Installer ( 32bit | 64bit ) | Download Updater​ | Download Digi Spec Sheet​ 

DEMO Version : ( 32bit | 64bit )

  • Important note: if you use an Amfit Mill, run the 7.3.2 Update in conjunction with updates to your ​scanning equipment.
  • Mill panel update (blank selection guide)
  • Importing files from version 3x is not supported on 64bit platform
  • Contact Digitizer model 2060, 2070, 2080 & 2090
  • Contact Digitizer LPT model 2040 & 2050 (32bit only)
  • Installers digitally signed
  • Ability to search by Phone Number added
  • Ability to scan children sizes
  • Installation of key cuts changed to 1 entry widget
  • Mill diagnostics panel improvement
  • Improved 2D / 3D editing
  • Orthotic Design panel available (Polypro enabled)

Version 1.1 : Download Installer​ 

  • Enables end users access to their Mill Cut Account
  • Credential keys are required for full access. Please contact tech support before you download this program.
  • Installer Digitally signed

UMOPC Configuration Setup : Download Updater 

  • Updates configuration to UMOPC spec (exam room type)​

 ©Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved Amfit, LLC

amfit fabrication stat​us


Amfit Configure IP - Amfit Fabrication Status : Download Updater 

  • ​Updates configuration for the Amfit Fabrication Status application's Internet-enabled services
  • Installer Digitally signed

Amfitware Configure Tool - FTP(Amfit) : Download Updater 

  • ​Sets Amfit FTP configuration to default setting (Send to Amfit)

HIPPA Updater : Download Updater​ 

  • Configures Amfit software to be HIPPA compliant​

Version 12.9.5 Light : Download Installer​​​ 

  • Features dependent on license key purchased
  • Import Amfit scan data to CNC Milling Machines
  • Output limited to Single Pairs per file
  • Produces G-Code File output
  • Produces Paromed File output
  • Local Database
  • Provides key elements needed for production management
    • Process control
    • Product labeling

FIPS Updater : Download Updater​ 

  • Polls the folder c:\amfitwin\data\Transfer\ for *.mft
  • Encrypts .mft file as an .fps using FIPS 140-2 certified algorithm via bcryptprimitives.dll
  • Implements SFTP protocol and transfers .fps files to Amfit SFTP server​

Version 12.9.7 Full : Download Installer​​​ |  Updater |  Download Quick Start Guide Download FAQ

  • Features dependent on license key purchased
  • Configurable to your CNC situation
  • Automatic Layout to optimize material use
  • Positive Contour Milling options
  • Produces G-Code File output
  • Access to ADS records
  • Provides key elements needed for production management
    • Process control
    • Product labeling
  • Updated Fab Options Panel
    • Progressive Z Plunge
    • Contour Normalizing
    • Contour & Trim Single File
    • Produces PIM File output